What Your Summer Shoe Says About You

Summer is here in all her steamy glory. This year I found myself unprepared to face the blinding heat, owing to how I railed against buying new clothes for the season, certain that my rotation of t-shirts and denim shorts would see me through until fall…

RVA Thrift Haul!

Hey guys! Wanted to make a little video to show off my thrift haul. This is just for fun so nobody is allowed to judge me thanks 🙂  

Let Us Eat Cake

Upon learning that the peasants of France had no bread to eat, queen Marie Antoinette is famously quoted as replying flippantly, “Then let them eat cake.” That story is as true as the one about George Washington chopping down the cherry tree, but there’s something about this historical misquote that’s been resonating with me. […]